Wailing Wall, a Holy Hole?

Wailing Wall & what do you know about the Wailing Wall?
As per the Jews it is something sacred but surprisingly just a holy hole..
Claiming it a remnant of their false second Temple, a Divine Presence…
While actually it’s nothing but Kabbalistic feminine emanation, pleasance.
Where paper prayers of the Goyim are snatched by the ‘Divine Presence’..
It is performed with the thrusting of pelvises and penises back & forth..
A prescribed prayer called ‘’davening’’ moving back south & up north…
A retarded way Jews copulate with the ‘shekinah’ in order to give birth..
Birth to an erotic union with the ‘Ein Soph’ to come to earth…
A kabbalistic masculine production, a false god; a dime not even worth!
This is the Wailing Wall the remains of a Roman fortress….
Fort Antonia north their ‘temple’ where no rock existed, so point less..
The rock claimed is a lie where the Dome of The Rock & Al Aqsa was built.
Adjoining the Western Wall around Fort Antonia the place it’s built…
Nothing sacred about it but a satanic seat, you get my lilt?

More info:

This is attested too by the eyewitness, Jewish historian Josephus, who also wrote in his “Jewish Wars” that the Romans left nothing above or below ground of the Second Temple so that one coming to Jerusalem thereafter would never believe a Temple ever existed.

According to Josephus, Titus, the Roman General who razed Jerusalem to the ground in 70 AD, allowed Fort Antonia to remain to house the Tenth Legion left to monitor Roman affairs in Jerusalem.

Wailing wall is nothing but the seat of a Satanic ritual outlined by the 13th Century Jewish occult system known as the Kabbalah as expounded in the Zohar and expanded upon by the 18th Century Hasidic Movement. So what are you supporting them for or are you too programmed and brain controlled that you are not capable of differentiating?

If you think this is a joke get “The Temples That Jerusalem Forgot,” by Professor Dr Ernest Martin, and you’ll surely be convinced.

Jews lie and deceit its there nature. Palestine will be free from river to sea.

The Jerusalemite