Architectural wonders & Old Testament

Jews claimed living in Egypt for centuries….
Yet no sign of their claim as slaves in sanctuary’s….
Were they really there?
Or just another deceptive fairy tale!?!
They surely would and should have noticed..
When forging and had focused..
The architectural wonders & sphinx..
Not mentioned once in their old testament with no links..
Evil Jinx..
So let us Pass Over..
The not passed under us or over..

Considerably, did you know?

Wait, before you know; take a note that my article is based on their own research and has no Islamic input put into it. I thought of mentioning this before your jumping to thin crusted conclusions and losing the opportunity of noticing their deceits.

Egypt’s written records date back to 1870 BC. No trace of the Israelite’s…Another lie it seems that they have forged through history to suit their evil agenda..The blatant failure of Biblical archaeology in the land of Palestine is primarily due to a promise completely flawed and a Bible (Septuagint) cunningly tampered with (by the same evil creeps who manipulate our news and educational materials today).

Slavery was a common tradition in Arabia but not in Egypt. Slavery didn’t come to Egypt “until 7th to 4th century BC, with the influence of the Persian/Greek invasions.” “Bible Came from Arabia” Dr. Kamal Salibi (Research his discovery) has discovered more than one hundred place names in Arabia and North Yemen that amazingly matched the ones mentioned in the Torah.“The land Joshua PBUH conquered was a small territory in North Yemen. The Egypt of the Bible is not the Egypt of the Nile Valley but an obscure little town in the southwestern desert of ancient Arabia called Mizraim, or Misr in Hebrew and Arabic. The lies began a long time ago.

According to the Old Testament, written by Jews, ancient Egypt is the land of idolatry, tyranny and slavery. The late Prof. Breasted, in an introduction to his 1933 classic Dawn of Conscience, writes in a live link from the book:

“The Egyptians possessed a standard of morals far superior to that of the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) over a thousand years before the Decalogue was written.”

Even some Israeli experts agree, including the head of archaeology at occupied Tel Aviv University. Prof. Ze’ev Herzog, in a 1999 article in Ha’aretz, said:

“The Israelite’s were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel.”

Egypt was mentioned in the Bible around 700 times; the Israelite were not mentioned once in the Egyptian records.

The 5th century BC historian Herodotus, commonly known as “the father of history”, never mentioned pharaohs, only kings. Herodotus also never mentioned Israel, repeatedly mentioned Palestine, Syria and the Phoenicians, never mentioned Jews or Canaanites, and never mentioned any Jewish holy temple.

Jews lie. They always have, and they always will, so be cautious.

The world will one day notice their deception and Palestine would be liberated from river to sea..just wait & see..

The Jerusalemite


  1. ABUREK ERIC ONGODIA · June 2, 2016

    Hebrew Israelites are the negro, Deuteronomy 28:16-68, luke 21:24, slaves and ships are the negro


    • Deceptionless · June 2, 2016

      Tell that to the white man..He is now a Semite too..good thieves.


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